Below is a statement about Public Right Of Way data which has been preprocessed by Barry Cornelius who's web site is here . Many thanks go to Barry for his work in organising this data.

"Numerous councils have released under licence, their data about rights of way.

A council's Definitive Map is the authoritative source of the council's rights of way. The details of the public rights of way network contained in a council's data are for information only, and are an interpretation of the Definitive Map, not the Definitive Map itself, and should not be relied on for determining the position or alignment of any public right of way. For legal purposes, a council's data does not replace their Definitive Map. And changes may have been made to the Definitive Map that are not included in their data. A council's data contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013. Attempting to view this data with more detail than 1:10000 may produce an inaccurate rendering of the route of a public right of way. "